CrossLife Youth: How 2020 has changed the way we do ministry

CrossLife Youth: How 2020 has changed the way we do ministry

What a year! 2020 certainly has been a year that we won’t forget.

In 2020 we saw a move to online platforms. Whether we watched Sunday service on YouTube, or were in countless Zoom meetings, nearly all face-to-face interaction was through a digital platform.

As most other programs stopped at the end of March, Youth went online. This allowed us to not only stay in contact weekly, but also with some of our friends who couldn’t join us in person normally too.

What the FQ team was discovering was that people enjoyed getting “together” in a large group, but others were enjoying the freedom and openness of small groups. We have been working hard to find a great balance in this. Friday night Youth returned in term 3, meeting both in person and online, as well as 3 Youth Life Groups emerging from the break. In term 4 we ran Friday night Youth at 4 locations, one at each campus and the Nite Shift crew at different locations.

An encouragement is watching the Church become more cross-generational. We finished off the school year with the Christmas Car Rally last Friday night, and saw groups from all campuses and age groups join in the fun.

On Sunday mornings we have seen the Creative Listening Spaces being utilised and I have loved seeing the different creations from those who have engaged with them.


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